Friday, 19 September 2014


Hi guys!

It's been a while hey? So since I haven't posted in so so long I thought I'd give you all a quick catch up .

I finished my first year of uni at the end of May! So I moved back home, and to the comfort of my mum and dad's house, where my pots were cleaned, pants were washed and makeup wipes picked up off the floor (such a bad daughter) And I thought to myself, what do I do with my Summer?

I thought of the endless possibilities: shopping, luxury days out, cocktails day and night. And then I remembered, I just spent the last of my student loan putting a deposit down on my new house. I needed a job.

Turns out I got one within a week of moving back to the bright lights of Leicester! I landed myself a bar job at the swanky Terrace Champagne and Cocktail bar in the city centre, so that's all well and good...£6.34 an hour for 14 hours a week. I was rolling in it, except there was one problem...I worked unsocial hours every Friday and Saturday. So goodbye social life!

However, it wasn't all doom and gloom...I was still able to go out, listen to music and have a drink at 3am whilst being paid to do so! Not too shabby at all, but there was a downside; I cannot stand overly drunk people #barstaffproblems sob sob sob.

It was soon July and results day, and typically the university website crashed meaning it took hours for me to find out my results (it's 2014, sort out your technology world!) When I was finally able to log on, I admit I wasn't happy with my results...I received a 2:1 which is brilliant! But I failed an essential module which meant I couldn't progress on to the second year without retaking a passing. Anyone that knows me knows how much I struggle with exams and the pressure they create, meaning that I inevitably do badly in them (proven in both my GCSE's and A-Levels) I had some work to do.

Fortunately for me, the exam was open book and could be done in my own time. So it took a weeks worth of sitting down and cracking on with it to do the best I could possibly do on this exam...and it worked! I achieved over 70% in both parts of the retake meaning a 1st! the downside, retakes are capped at 40%...bugger.

BUT I got back into uni and here I am now...sitting in my new house listening to Sigma's new one, you know...the one that features Paloma Faith..whilst a guy paints our kitchen.

The house was a struggle too (nothing ever goes swimmingly does it?) Typical student landlords, poo brown walls and mould. Luckily, I know people in law and we successfully scared seven shades of shit out of the landlord, and now our place is heavenly....for a student let in the middle of Stoke-on-Trent anyway.

I'm going on....
Speak soon,
E x

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